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Still Home?

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May 072020

Thursday, May 7, 2020, is a long way from March 13, 2020, which was the last day we were able to make a living in this state. We’ve been patient, we’ve been kind, we’ve been loving and fortunately Susan and I have always been best friends for almost 46 years so this forced restriction by daddy gov. is not so hard on us as it is for some of our kids.

Our oldest daughter has her first grandchild in Florida and she lives on Catalina Island off the coast of California and they are told not to travel.  Well, she’s a lot like her dad and said, ‘no way’! ‘We’re going to Florida to see my grandson!’  She and her husband are there now.  They’re going to Tennessee next to see her oldest daughter and husband.

Our youngest has three kids here in Limerick, PA and he is a small business owner as well and he started back up again last week, in spite of daddy gov orders.

Dad (me) and Mom, on the other hand, have mellowed out over the years and we’re not bucking the system. However, we are so proud of our kids that are standing up for their God-given, constitutional backed freedoms.

My underlying health conditional will likely hold me back a bit longer than others because I cannot control the environment in every home I visit.  I will certainly ask questions, but to be sure that places I go are not hazardous to me, I have to be skeptical at best and refuse service at worse. While I totally trust that God is watching over me, I don’t want to do something that will intentionally cause harm.

This is all to say that Susan and I are hooking up our brand new travel trailer and heading for Tennessee ourselves in the next week or two. We plan to meet up with some friends from California and hook up in an RV park in Tennessee for four days then we will travel to our Grand Daughter’s home and mooch-dock in their driveway for 3 or 4 days. If daddy gov lifts all restrictions by this time, we will travel home and start setting appointments. If there are still ANY restrictions, our plan is to continue driving over to Florida to visit the Great Grandson and other family members there. We don’t have a planned date to return, but we have a plan to have fun!

Since we are not working, I’ve still been trying to answer calls, but it’s getting depressing saying, sorry, nothing I can do right now to help.  So starting now, I’m changing the voice mail to say that we are on vacation until further notice, sooner rather than later notice, we hope. I’m going to leave my work phone at home so I will be unreachable for business until I return.

Stay safe and all my best to you,


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