Teen And Adult Proofing Your Home
The title of this page may confound some who never thought about having to make their home safe for adults and teenagers. However, bear with me a few moments and you’ll understand. As a father of five, I watched each go through their teen years into adult-hood. After looking back there were some areas that we should have paid more attention to than others. One is our medicine cabinet. Ever wander about your teens or other adults taking YOUR prescription medicine? Believe me, it happens! What about all those cold-medicines you keep around the house? Do you keep your guns unloaded, locked in a safe with only YOU and your spouse knowing the combination or where the keys are stored? Where do you store your ammunition? Can anyone get to it?
Do you have hard liquor in the house. is it available to anyone for the taking/using? Do you keep the house & car keys out where they can be easily taken by a neighbor who can easily make copies and go unnoticed when putting the keys right back where they got them? I know, you’re thinking, this guy thinks my neighbors are thieves. Well, not exactly. I just know that certain circumstances allow for what are called crimes of opportunity. My job is to help you see all the possibilities so that you can decide which ones to take action on to mitigate risks to yourself and your family.
Exterior doors that dead-bolts with key entries on both sides can cause you and your family to be locked in your house if it ever caught fire and you can get to your keys to get. You’ve got to replace these with new dead-bolts that only have key entry from the outside and a turn knob on the inside. That way you and anyone else inside can easily get outside. How about your second story bedrooms. Do you have escape ladders readily available in each occupied bedroom?
This page only touches on a few items that are relevant teens and adults. There are many more risks that the typical home presents to its occupants and owners that we will share with you as art of our professional security and safety assessment of your home. Please call us to get your free assessment date on our calendar so that you can have peace of mind every time your head hits your pillow. Call today at 610.906.1498.